A.S.S.V. Esprit

A.S.S.V. Esprit
ASSV Esprit is a friendly, accessible and international fencing club for all levels and all weapons; sabre, foil and epee. We train on Monday from 19-20:30 and on Friday from 20-22:00. Our trainer, Patrick Post, is present on Monday. In the first part of the training he takes care of the joint warm-up. In the second part he gives one-on-one instruction.
The level of the members varies from members who have just completed the USC beginners course to members who have more than ten years of fencing experience. Some of the members, including enthusiastic beginners, go to tournaments. Members who have not yet purchased their own equipment can borrow those from the association. After every training we go for a drink in Oerknal. In addition to the training sessions, the association also organizes many social events such as a Halloween party, a summer BBQ, Sinterklaas, and an ice skating evening.
The level of the members varies from members who have just completed the USC beginners course to members who have more than ten years of fencing experience. Some of the members, including enthusiastic beginners, go to tournaments. Members who have not yet purchased their own equipment can borrow those from the association. After every training we go for a drink in Oerknal. In addition to the training sessions, the association also organizes many social events such as a Halloween party, a summer BBQ, Sinterklaas, and an ice skating evening.